Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

98 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point

Note to Teacher

You should pause here and spend one day reviewing, reinforcing, or
extending the material taught thus far.
You may have students do any combination of the activities listed below,
but it is highly recommended that you use the Mid-Domain Student
Performance Task Assessment to assess students’ knowledge of fairy
tales. The other activities may be done in any order. You may also choose
to do an activity with the whole class or with a small group of students
who would benefit from the particular activity.

Core Content Objectives Up to This Pausing Point

Students will:
 Demonstrate familiarity with specific fairy tales
 Describe the characters, plot, and setting of specific fairy tales
 Identify common characteristics of fairy tales such as “once upon a
time” beginnings, royal characters, magical characters or events, and
happy endings
 Identify the fairy tale elements of specific fairy tales

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Elements of Fairy Tales (Instructional Master PP-1)
Directions: I am going to read several statements about the fairy tales
you have heard. If the statement is true, circle the smiling face. If the
statement is false, circle the frowning face.

  1. Fairy tales are true stories.

    • frowning face

  2. Fairy tales usually do not have royal characters.

    • frowning face

PPausing Pointausing Point


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