Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

106 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 5 | Paul Bunyan

tales about Calamity Jane, Molly Pitcher, Slue-Foot Sue, and Johnny
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 5A-1 (Tall Tales Characteristics
Chart) for each student. Refer to this chart as their anchor chart for tall
tales and tell students that they will fill in this anchor chart as they hear
the different tall tales.
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 5A-2 (U.S. Map) for each
student. Students may use this map to identify the various locations and
landmarks mentioned in the tall tales.
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 5A-3 for each student. Refer to it
as Response Card 4 (Paul Bunyan). Students can use this response card
to preview, review, and answer questions about this tall tale as well as fill
in the characters and settings of the story.
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 5B-1 (Fact or Tall Tale?) for each
Bring in another version of “Paul Bunyan” to read aloud to the class.
Note to Teacher
You may wish to fill out the Tall Tales Characteristics Chart (Instructional
Master 5A-1) together with the class as they answer the comprehension
questions for this story.
Students will learn that tall tales have larger-than-life characters; this
means the characters are physically very big or they do extremely
interesting, exciting, or impossible things. Find opportunities to point out
how the tall tale characters are larger than life in their size and actions at
various points in the read-alouds.
Students will also learn that an important characteristic of tall tales is
exaggeration—an overstatement of the truth. Sometimes exaggeration
makes the characters seem larger than life and makes the tall tale
humorous. You may wish to have the class come up with a certain
motion or sound to signal that they just heard an exaggeration in the
story. (Exaggerations are followed with an asterisk, *, in the read-aloud.
Students will hear about several landmarks in this read-aloud: Image
Cards 2 (Great Lakes), 3 (Rocky Mountains), 4 (Appalachian Mountains), 5
(Mississippi River), and 6 (Grand Canyon). You may wish to tape the image
cards up on the board; then as they are mentioned, move them from the
board and onto the U.S. map, around the region they are located.
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