Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide 8A | Casey Jones 169

Introducing the Read-Aloud 15 minutes

Ta l l Ta l e R ev i e w

  • Present the Tall Tales Characteristics Chart (Instructional Master
    5A- 1). Ask students about the characteristics of tall tales. Make sure
    that the following characteristics are mentioned:

    • Frontier Setting

    • Amazing Childhood

    • Amazing Adventures

    • Creations/Inventions

    • Humor

    • Exaggerations/Larger-Than-Life

  • Using the Tall Tales Characteristics Chart, review what students have
    already learned about tall tales, specifically the tall tale “John Henry.”

  • Ask students how John Henry is different from Paul Bunyan and
    Pecos Bill. (He was a real person. He had a different job.)

Introducing “Casey Jones”
 Show image 8A-5: One hand one brake

  • Tell students that the main character in today’s tall tale is named
    Casey Jones.

  • Say to students: “Tell your partner what you think Casey Jones does
    for a living.” Allow fifteen seconds for students to talk. Call on two
    students to share.

  • Share with students that today’s tall tale is also about a real person—
    John Luther Jones. He was from Cayce [pronounced like the name
    Casey], Kentucky.
    [Point to Kentucky on a map.]
    That is how he got the nickname “Casey” Jones.

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8 A

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