Grade 2 Fairy Tales

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

190 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide DA | Domain Assessment

  1. Tall Tale: A tall tale is about a normal person who does normal

    • frowning face
      Directions: Now I am going to read more sentences using other words you
      have heard and practiced. If I use the word correctly in my sentence, circle
      the smiling face. If I do not use the word correctly in my sentence, circle the
      frowning face. I will say each sentence two times.

  2. Enchanted: An enchanted forest might have jewels and diamonds
    growing on the trees.

    • smiling face

  3. Inspect: When you inspect something, you do not look at it carefully.

    • frowning face

  4. Relaxed: When you hear that someone relaxed their hold on a rope,
    that means that person is holding on to the rope very tightly.

    • frowning face

  5. Challenge: A challenge is a hard task or problem that could take a
    lot of time and thinking to figure out.

    • smiling face

  6. Hesitated: When you hear that someone hesitated to do something,
    that means that person stopped for a little bit before doing it.

    • smiling face

  7. Curious: When you are curious about something, you are not very
    interested in it.

    • frowning face

  8. Constant: Something that is constant happens all the time and does
    not stop.

    • smiling face

  9. Intelligent: To be intelligent means to be able to learn new things

    • smiling face

  10. Persuaded: When someone is persuaded by what you say, that
    person agrees with you.

    • smiling face

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