254 Fairy Tales and Tall Tales: Supplemental Guide
Directions: Help your child read the larger-than-life statements on the right, and have your child draw a line from the statement on the right to the picture of the tall tale on the left.
Together, Paul and
Babe did the work of
one hundred men.
If you look up in the
sky on a clear night
and see a fl ash of
light across the sky, it
might be a shooting
star, but it might be
Casey Jones chugga-
chugga, chugga-
chuggin’—on time—
till the end of time.
John Henry had dug
a total of fi fteen feet
into the mountain; the
steam drill had only
drilled nine feet. He
had beaten the steam
Pecos Bill lassoed
a cyclone with his
rattlesnake lasso and
jumped on its rip-
roaring back.