Grade 2 Unit 6 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

162 Unit 6© 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation

  1. What was the USS Constitution?
    A. The USS Constitution was a fort that the British attacked
    during the War of 1812.
    B. The USS Constitution was a ship that fought many
    battles during the War of 1812.
    C. The USS Constitution was a document that declared the
    United States independent of Great Britain.
    D. The USS Constitution was a building in Washington,

  2. Why was the USS Constitution nicknamed “Old Ironsides”?
    A. It was the first American ship made of iron.
    B. It was a very old ship used during the Revolutionary
    Wa r.
    C. Even though it was attacked and hit by many cannon
    balls in different battles, the sides of the ship did not
    crumble and the ship did not sink.
    D. It was nicknamed after Andrew Jackson, a general in the
    War of 1812.

  3. Where is the White House?
    A. Baltimore
    B. New Orleans
    C. Washington, D.C.

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