Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 22.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^137

Tricky ‘e’
The letter ‘e’ can stand for three sounds. It can stand for /e/ as in bed,
/ee/ as in me, or /ə/ as in debate. Each sentence below has a word with an
underlined ‘e’. Which of the three sounds do you hear in each word?

  1. His best race is the 100-meter dash.
    A. /e/ as in bed
    B. /ee/ as in me
    C. /ə/ as in debate

  2. The men mixed up a batch of cement.
    A. /e/ as in bed
    B. /ee/ as in me
    C. /ə/ as in debate

  3. I have a bug bite on my elbow.
    A. /e/ as in bed
    B. /ee/ as in me
    C. /ə/ as in debate

  4. When I was fifteen I went on a trip to Egypt.
    A. /e/ as in bed
    B. /ee/ as in me
    C. /ə/ as in debate

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