Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 22.2

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^139

Breaking the Spell

  1. What does Sir Gus hear when he awakes?
    A. his horse
    B. the wizard
    C. doves

  2. What is it that Sir Gus sees upon waking up?
    A. He sees the people clapping and cheering.
    B. He sees the people sleeping.
    C. He sees the people gasping.

  3. Where is it that the Black Knight carries the king?
    A. to the dungeon
    B. to the throne room
    C. to the kitchen

  4. What wakes the king?
    A. Sir Gus yelling to wake up
    B. a spider crawling on him
    C. the web of a male garden spider touching his left hand

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