Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 23.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^143

Tricky ‘o’
Write the words with the tricky spelling ‘o’ sounded /o/ under stop, the
words with the tricky spelling ‘o’ sounded /oe/ under hotel, and the words
with the tricky spelling ‘o’ sounded /u/ under from. Sort only the words
in which the ‘o’ is underlined.
Last month, my older brother won second place in a hot dog-eating contest. To
win, he had to eat the most hot dogs. Well, my brother ate lots and lots of hot dogs—
most of the people competing found it impossible to eat as many. At the closing
ceremony, my brother was given a ton of money (one thousand in cash) and a trophy
of a golden hot dog. My brother slipped the money in his pocket and smiled modestly
as people took his snapshot. It was a fine moment for my brother.

sounded /o/ sounded /oe/ sounded /u/
as in stop as in hotel as in from
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