/o/ as in hop /oe/ as in open /u/ as in son
- I need to find my father and mother. mother
- I have one sister and two brothers.
- Is the watch silver or gold?
- The baby has a bottle.
- Is my ankle sprained or broken?
- When I broke my leg, I went to the hospital.
- This is a difficult math problem.
Name 23.3
© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^147
/o/ hop drop spot
/oe/ open hotel no
/u/ son front coming
Tricky ‘o’
Sort the words by sound. Write the words that have ‘o’ sounded
/o/ under hop. Write the words that have ‘o’ sounded /oe/ under
open. Write the words that have ‘o’ sounded /u/ under son.