Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 28.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^173

Feature Incorrect?Number
‘o’ > /u/ mother brother front won son
‘o_e’ > /u/ love glove done none come
‘ou’ > /u/ cousin touch young southern country
‘a’ > /ə/ about alike afraid China America
‘e’ > /ə/ debate decide category hello decay
‘al’ > /ə/ + /l/ total metal animal royal signal
‘ul’ > /ə/ + /l/ helpful cheerful wonderful hopeful careful
‘il’ > /ə/ + /l/ evil April devil fossil nostril
‘le’ > /ə/ + /l/ apple little uncle jungle table
‘tion’ station vacation emotion nation fiction
tricky ‘a’ bandit alone wall later band
tricky ‘e’ lemon rewind me debate test
tricky ‘o’ copper open from hotel no
tricky ‘o_e’ home some wrote cone come

Directions: Place an x in the box of any word read incorrectly by the student. If possible, write what the student says in the tricky ‘ou’ shout touch pound country out

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