Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name PP1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^177

/a/ as in hat /ae/ as in paper /ə/ as in about

  1. She has a yellow cap.

  2. She is wearing her silver necklace.

  3. To mail this letter, I need one stamp.

  4. When my mom cooks, she wears her apron.

  5. I need a map to find the park.

Tricky Spelling ‘a’
Write the words that have the tricky spelling ‘a’ sounded /a/ under hat,
the words that have the tricky spelling ‘a’ sounded /ae/ under paper, and
the words that have the tricky spelling ‘a’ sounded /u/ under about.


 /a/ hatband last
 /ae/ paper later lady
 /ə/ about along balloon
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