Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^199

/ou/ as in shout /u/ as in touch

  1. When he got an A, and I got a B, I felt jealous. jealous

  2. Stop being silly. It’s time to be serious.

  3. The cookie is flat and round.

  4. They are sitting on the couch.

  5. David is my uncle, and Rachel is my cousin.

  6. The radio is too loud!

  7. When she is upset, she pouts.

Tricky Spelling ‘ou’
Write the words that have the tricky spelling ‘ou’ sounded /ou/ under
shout, and the words that have the tricky spelling ‘ou’ sounded /u/ under


 /ou/ shout out proud
 /u/ touch country jealous


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