Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^231


Circle the nouns, and then draw a line from the adjective to the noun it
describes. Some sentences may have more than one adjective and noun.

  1. A brown rabbit hopped into the yard.

  2. A shiny spaceship is floating in the sky.

  3. The baby waved its tiny hand in the air.

  4. The full moon is a wonderful light at night.

  5. The red bird flew to the large nest.

  6. The enormous troll frightened the nervous knights.

  7. White snowflakes float down from the gray sky.

  8. Twinkling stars dot the sky.

  9. Her green eyes sparkled with delight.

  10. He rode a blue motorcycle.


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