Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 11.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^63

Dear Family Member,
Below you will find our spelling words for this week. All of the
words have the sound of /ee/ (also known as long e) spelled with
the letters ‘ie’. We are continuing our work learning to alphabetize
words. As the next step in this skill, we are learning to use the alphabet as a
reference tool and less as a matching tool for letters.
Just as you did last week, please follow these directions:

  1. Have your child read all of the words aloud and circle the first letter in
    each word.

  2. Ask your child to write words in alphabetical order.

  3. You may find it helpful for your child to number the words in the box
    before writing them in alphabetical order. It is easier to erase a number
    than a word.
    field piece shield thief kitties
    achieve relief grief yield movie
    niece cookies ladies babies

Tricky Word: water

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