Grade 2 Unit 5 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 14.3

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 5^81

Fill in the Blank
Write the best word from the box to complete each sentence.
bubble apples beagles noodles eagle
maple single candle poodles stable

  1. A horse will stay in the __ on a rainy day.

  2. Mom likes to light a __ on the table at

  3. A __ leaf is on the Canadian flag.

  4. __ and __ are kinds of

  5. I like to blow a big __ with my gum.

  6. Would you like to help me pick __ from
    the tree?

  7. An __ is a symbol of our country.

  8. I like to eat spaghetti __.

  9. I can’t eat just one __ chip. I like to eat the
    entire bag.

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