Grade 2 Unit 3 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 22.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 3^145


  1. The cars will crash. (1)

  2. The desk broke. (1)

  3. The firemen wear coats like raincoats. (3)

  4. Dad drives us to the playground. (2)

  5. Five foxes ran by the road. (2)

  6. James shouts for help. (2)

  7. Kim skipped down the hill. (2)

  8. The class played soccer. (2)

  9. The boys drank cola. (2)

  10. Sam ate mangoes. (2)

  11. The kids jumped rope. (2)
    Directions: Have students draw a circle around all of the nouns and draw a squiggly line under the verb in each sentence. Th


number in parentheses indicates the number of nouns in each sentence.
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