Grade 2 Unit 2 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 2^161


Directions: Ask students to use one word from the box in each sentence. He or she will need to add

–ed to each word.

drop ask shrug slump limp
yank plop like pat yell

  1. “Zip! Zing!” he. “Take that, T. Rex!”

  2. He back the drapes.

  3. “Ug!” Mike said. He and
    his chin on his chest.

  4. “What if I tell you a bedtime tale?” he.

  5. Mike did not think it would help much. He.

  6. “When I was a kid, your gramp would tell me bedtime tales.
    I them.”

  7. Mike’s dad sat down on the bed and
    Mike on the back of the neck.

  8. Mike to his bed and down on

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