Grade 2 Unit 1 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 22.1

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 1^119

The Catfish

  1. What did Dad do with the catfish?
    A. left the catfish in a pond
    B. left the catfish in a bucket
    C. left the catfish on the shelf

  2. What did Dad think would stop the cat bandit?
    A. a shelf
    B. a belt
    C. a lock

  3. What drifted in the wind?
    A. the tempting smell of snack mix
    B. the tempting smell of fish
    C. the tempting smell of hot dog

  4. Who helped the cat bandit?

  5. What did the cat bandit hitch to the shed?

    Directions: Ask students to answer each question.____

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