Grade 2 Unit 1 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 12.3

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 1^71

Dear Family Member,
Have your child read the story to you and decide which Tricky Word
should be used to fill in the blank. After the Tricky Words are all filled
in, have your child read the story to you once more.

the a he she be

Mom had __ hot dog. __ left

__ hot dog on a shelf in the den. It would

__ safe sitting there. The cat bandit

smelled the hot dog smell. Mmm! The cat bandit

sat on the deck, wishing __ had a snack.

Then—munch, munch, munch—the cat bandit

had himself a picnic lunch.

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