Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 5A | Theseus and the Minotaur 95
Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
- In today’s myth, Theseus fi ghts the Minotaur in the Labyrinth.
- Say the word labyrinth with me three times.
- A labyrinth is a maze.
- After fi ve minutes of wandering around the labyrinth, Theseus
was completely lost. - [Show Image Card 12 (Labyrinth) and additional images of
labyrinths.] Describe this labyrinth to your partner.
[Later in the day, you may wish to give partner pairs a maze to
complete or have students design their own mazes and have
others complete them.]
Purpose for Listening
Tell students that today’s read-aloud does not have any Greek
gods and goddesses in it, but it involves a mythical creature as
well as a courageous person who does good deeds. Tell students
to listen carefully to fi nd out what the creature looks like and who
the hero is.