Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 6A | Daedalus and Icarus 113

Personal Connections 5 minutes

Ask students if they have ever eaten an ice cream cone on a hot
day. Ask students what happens if they don’t eat their ice cream
quickly enough. Tell students that their ice cream probably melts in
the heat. Heat can cause things to melt, like ice.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes


  1. Today’s myth is about a very brilliant man, a genius, whose
    name was Daedalus.

  2. Say the word genius with me three times.

  3. A genius is a very smart, talented, or creative person.

  4. Daedalus was the genius who created the Labyrinth.

  5. Tell your partner what you think of when you hear the word

  6. In today’s myth, Daedalus studies the birds and how they use
    the currents of air to fl y.

  7. Say the word currents with me three times.

  8. Currents are strong fl ows of air or water moving in a certain
    direction. [Using hand motions, show what currents might
    look like.]

  9. The ocean’s currents carried Max’s sailboat closer to shore.

  10. When you are outdoors, you can tell which direction the air
    currents are moving by holding a strip of paper and seeing
    which direction the paper is blowing in the wind. [This can
    also be done with paper airplanes.]

Purpose for Listening

Tell students to listen carefully for a problem in today’s myth
caused by something melting.
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