Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 7B |Hercules 143
Note: Extensions may have activity options that exceed the time
allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain within the time
periods allocated for this portion of the lesson, you will need to
make conscious choices about which activities to include based
on the needs of your students.
Extensions 20 minutes
Character, Setting, Plot (Instructional Master 7B-1) 15 minutes
- Review with students some of the key elements of a fi ctional
story in general and myths in particular.
[Note: You may wish to focus on the characters, settings, and
plot of one myth.]- characters (gods and goddesses, mortals, supernatural
creature) - settings (Mount Olympus, Underworld, Earth, ocean, tower,
Labyrinth) - plot (explaining something in nature like the changing
seasons, how animals came to be, or teaching a lesson)
- characters (gods and goddesses, mortals, supernatural
- Using Instructional Master 7B-1, have students fi ll in the chart
with these story elements from today’s myth about Hercules:
characters, setting, and plot. Tell students that they have
only heard the beginning of Hercules’s story and to only fi ll
in the Beginning box. Share with students that as they hear
more about Hercules they will be able to fi ll in the Middle and
End boxes as well as add new characters and settings to the
Characters and Setting boxes.