Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 8 | Other Adventures of Hercules 147

Students will:
 Recount information from “Other Adventures of Hercules,” a
Greek myth, and determine the central message of the myth
 Describe how Hercules and Atlas respond to challenges in
“Other Adventures of Hercules” (RL.2.3)
 Plan, draft, and edit a narrative Greek myth, including a title,
setting, characters, and well-elaborated events of the story
in proper sequence, including details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings, using temporal words to signal event
order, and providing a sense of closure (W.2.3)
 Recount a personal experience involving “back to the drawing
board” with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details,
speaking audibly in coherent sentences (SL.2.4)
 Explain the meaning of “back to the drawing board” and use in
appropriate contexts (L.2.6)
 Make predictions orally prior to listening to “Other Adventures of
Hercules” and then compare the actual outcomes to predictions
 Identify how Hercules feels at the end of the story compared to
how he felt at the beginning of the story

Core Vocabulary

accurate, adj. Correct, without error
Example: “If you don’t study for your spelling quiz, you will not be able
to produce an accurate spelling for all of the words,” the teacher said.
Variation(s): none
guidance, n. The act of helping someone to make a decision
Example: Toby went to his mom for guidance on what to do when he
had a disagreement with his best friend.
Variation(s): none
immeasurable, adj. Impossible to measure; huge
Example: My grandfather always says that his love for me is
Variation(s): none
reputation, n. What most people think of a person or thing
Example: Meg had a reputation for always doing her best in class.
Variation(s): reputations
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