Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

152 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 8 | Other Adventures of Hercules

Notes to Teacher
You may wish to stick to a single defi nition of myth as it applies to
this domain—A myth is a fi ctional story from the ancient times that
tries to explain events or things in nature. A myth may also teach a
lesson. A myth usually has characters that are gods or goddesses,
humans, and creatures.
In today’s lesson, students will write a draft of their own Greek
myth. Remind students of the steps of the writing process:
plan, draft, edit. Finally, in the last lesson, students will have
an opportunity to act out or publish their myths. It is highly
recommended that all students participate in this writing activity.
Today the class will complete the draft of this writing project
(Instructional Master 8B-2 or lined paper).
Please note: Due to time constraints, you may wish to give
students extra time to fi nish this activity or have students
complete their draft as homework. Work with students who need
extra help in small groups and help them draft their myth together,
using Instructional Master 8B-2 as a guide.
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