Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 215

one person should quickly sketch or write the name of another
character from the same myth and pass the paper and pencil to
the second student. The second student should quickly sketch
or write the name of a setting from that myth and pass the paper
and pencil to the third student. The third student should write one
sentence or key phrase about the plot of the myth. Once all three
sections of the paper have been fi lled out with character, setting,
and plot, the group should raise their hands.
Remind students that their sketches and writing do not need to be
perfect, but that their sketches and writing do need to relate to the
Give each group the opportunity to orally share its drawings and/
or writing.

Fun with Riddles

After reading a few of these riddles and allowing students to guess
the answers, have students work in groups to write their own
riddles about the Greek myths they have heard. They may also
wish to share riddles that they already know.

  • What has been around for millions of years but is never more
    than a month old? (the moon)

  • What goes up but never comes down? (your age)

  • What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in
    a thousand years? (the letter ‘m’)

  • What month has 28 days? (all of them)

  • There were two ducks in front of a duck and two ducks behind a
    duck, and one duck in the middle. How many ducks were there
    in all? (three ducks)

  • What was the worm doing in the cornfi eld? (going in one ear and
    out the other)

  • What building has the most stories? (the library)

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