Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 1 | The Twelve Gods of Mount Olympus 17

Exercise Materials Details

Extensions (20 minutes)

The Twelve Gods of Mount

Greek Gods Posters 1–12;
Instructional Master 1B-1;
Response Card 1

You may wish to use the song and chant
to help students remember the names
and powers of the twelve gods of Mount

Greek Myths Journal Instructional Master 1B-2; drawing

This will be the cover page of students’
Greek Myths journal.

Take-Home Material

Family Letter Instructional Masters 1B-3–5

Advance Preparation
Make a copy of Instructional Master 1A-1 for each student. Refer
to it as Response Card 1, an illustration of the twelve gods of
Mount Olympus.
Make a copy of Instructional Master 1B-2 for each student. This
will be the cover page of their Greek Myths journals.
Create a Character Chart for today’s read-aloud. (See sample
chart in the lesson.)
Notes to Teacher
You may wish to stick to a single defi nition of myth as it applies
to this domain—A myth is a fi ctional story from ancient times that
tries to explain events or things in nature. A myth may also teach a
lesson. A myth usually has characters that are gods or goddesses,
humans, and creatures.
For additional information and images of the twelve gods of Mount
Olympus, you may wish to refer to these web resources:
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