Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

30 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 1B | The Twelve Gods of Mount Olympus

  • Zeus—the king of the gods

  • Demeter (dih-MEE-tur)—goddess of plants and the harvest

  • Athena (uh-THEEN-uh)—goddess of wisdom and war

  • Ares (AIR-ees)—the god of war

  • Apollo (uh-PAHL-oh)—god of light, music, and poetry

  • Artemis (ART-eh-miss)—goddess of hunting, wilderness, and

  • Display the posters around the room where students can clearly
    see them and where they can be referred to throughout the

Greek Myths Journal (Instructional Master 1B-2) 15 minutes

  • Tell students that they will be keeping a journal to help them
    remember important information they learn in this domain about
    the Greek myths they hear. Share with students that at the end
    of this domain, they will staple all of their journal pages together
    and take them home to share with family and friends.

  • Tell students that this page will be the cover page for their
    journals about Greek myths.

  • Show students Instructional Master 1B-1. Tell students that
    the illustration to the left is of the leader of the twelve gods of
    Mount Olympus. Ask students which god is the leader on Mount
    Olympus. (Zeus)

  • Tell students the directions for creating the cover page of their
    Greek Myths journal:

  1. First write “Greek Myths” on the title line.

  2. Then write your defi nition of a myth. Use the sentence frame:
    Greek myths are...

  3. Finally, write what you hope to hear about or learn in the
    Greek myths you will hear.

  • Allow time for students to share their journal entries with a

  • Remember to save students’ journal entries throughout the

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