74 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 4A | Arachne the Weaver
Character Name
Description of
Character Role in Story
Arachne (uh-RAK-nee) human Weaver
challenged Athena to a weaving
transformed into the fi rst spider
Athena (uh-THEEN-uh) god goddess of handicraft
(also commonly known as the
goddess of wisdom and war)
Show image 4A-1: Arachne weaving
Ask students what it looks like Arachne is doing in this image. Tell
students that Arachne is a weaver. Have students guess what a
weaver does. (A weaver makes cloth.) Point to the loom and tell
students that Arachne uses a loom to make cloth.
Ask students to point to Greek Gods Poster 7 (Athena). Tell
students this myth tells the story of an encounter between
Arachne—a mortal woman—and the goddess Athena.
Have students share the characteristics of Greek myths. (They are
fi ctional stories that try to explain events or things in nature, teach
moral lessons, and entertain listeners.) Tell students that today’s
myth is a story that was told to explain how one animal in nature
was fi rst created.
Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes
- Today you will learn that we call all the members of the spider
family arachnids. - Say the word arachnids with me three times.
- Arachnids are animals that have eight legs and no antennae or
wings. - [Show an image of each type of arachnid as you name them.]
Types of arachnids include spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks,
and daddy-longlegs. - For each type of arachnid, let’s count the number of legs and
see whether it has antennae or wings.