Grade 2 - Early Asian Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

186 Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 10 | The Magic Paintbrush

 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in “The Magic
Paintbrush” to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting,
or plot (RL.2.7)
 With assistance, categorize and organize facts and information about
ancient Chinese writing onto an Early Asian Civilizations Chart (W.2.8)
 Create a painting or drawing in response to the story, “The Magic
Paintbrush” (SL.2.5)
 Identify real-life connections between words—stroke, scowl, and
praise—and their use (L.2.5a)
 Identify examples of antonym—criticism—to core vocabulary word
praise (L.2.5a)

Core Vocabulary
beggar, n. A poor person who asks for food or money
Example: Many people ignored the beggar on the street as he asked
for spare change.
Variation(s): beggars
cork, n. A stopper made out of the bark of a cork oak tree
Example: The cork floated easily on the water because it was
Variation(s): corks
praise, n. Congratulations or admiration
Example: Gilly received much praise for her science project.
Variation(s): praises
scowl, n. A frown of anger or disapproval
Example: Chris’s mother gave him a scowl when she saw him being
mean to his sister.
Variation(s): scowls
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