98 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 6 | Abraham Lincoln
Image Sequence
This is the order in which Flip Book images will be shown for this read-
aloud. Preview the order of Flip Book images before teaching this lesson.
Please note that is different from the sequence used in the Te ll It Ag a in!
Read-Aloud Anthology and that it uses images from the Core Knowledge
Language Arts Preschool: Important People in American History domain.
- 6A-1: Lincoln and his hat
- Core Knowledge Language Arts Preschool: Important People
in American History Image 5A-1: Abe Lincoln chops wood (or
Instructional Master 6A-2) - Core Knowledge Language Arts Preschool: Important People
in American History Image 5A-2: Abe Lincoln reading by fire (or
Instructional Master 6A-2) - Core Knowledge Language Arts Preschool: Important People in
American History Image 5A-3: Abe Lincoln holding up book (or
Instructional Master 6A-2) - Core Knowledge Language Arts Preschool: Important People in
American History Image 5A-4: Abe Lincoln with man in hat (or
Instructional Master 6A-2) - 6A-6: Abraham Lincoln
- 6A-8: What was under Lincoln’s hat
- 6A-6: Abraham Lincoln