Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 7A | Te d d y Ro o s eve l t 119

He once said, “All Americans deserve clean air, clean water, and
beautiful outdoor spaces to explore. We should set aside—or
preserve—special places now, while they are still natural and wild, so
our children and grandchildren may know the joy of the outdoors.”
President Roosevelt asked, “What will happen [if one day] our forests
are gone?”

[Invite students to share their answers.]
President Roosevelt told the government to create huge parks and
to protect forests, lakes, and rivers to make sure they stay clean
and natural. This was called “conserving,” or saving, nature. When
he conserved parks and natural places, it meant that nobody could
put buildings on them or cut down the trees. Today, we still enjoy the
parks and wild places that President Roosevelt conserved.

 Show image 7A-1: Theodore Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt conserved nature so that we can enjoy the outdoors.
And he left us with teddy bears to hug. No wonder people say, “There
was a great president!”
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