Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 7A | Te d d y Ro o s eve l t 121

  1. Evaluative Think Pair Share: What lessons did Teddy Roosevelt learn
    as a boy that you think helped him become a great president?

Sentence Frames:
Do you think Teddy Roosevelt
was a great president?

Teddy learned that... and that
helped him become a great

  1. After hearing today’s read-aloud and questions and answers, do
    you have any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to
    allow for individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other
    resources to answer these remaining questions.]

Word Work: Expert

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “Teddy loved the outdoors and became
    an expert in the subjects of wild animals, birds, and fish.”

  2. Say the word expert with me three times.

  3. An expert is someone who knows a lot about a subject or particular

  4. The zookeeper is an expert on chimpanzees; she takes care of
    chimpanzees at the zoo and knows everything about them.

  5. If you could be an expert on any subject, what would it be?
    [Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase the
    students’ responses: “I would like to be an expert in .”]
    Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. Directions: I am going to
    describe some people. If the person I describe sounds like an expert,
    say, “S/he is an expert.” If the person I describe doesn’t sound like an
    expert, say, “S/he is not an expert.”

  6. someone who can answer all your questions about any type of bird

    • She is an expert.

  7. someone who is just beginning to learn to read

    • He is not an expert.

  8. someone who knows the name for all kinds of trains

    • She is an expert.

  9. someone who knows how to fix any problem with any computer

    • He is an expert.

  10. someone who likes to fish, but doesn’t know the names of any fish

    • She is not an expert.

 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
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