Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 161

Class Book: Presidents and American Symbols

Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools

Tell the class or a group of students that they are going to make a class
book to help them remember what they have learned in this domain. Have
the students brainstorm important information about the U.S. presidents
and related American symbols. Have each student choose one idea to
draw a picture of, and ask him or her to write a caption for the picture.
Bind the pages to make a book to put in the class library for students to
read again and again.

Virtual Tour of Mount Rushmore

Materials: Various websites

Take a tour and learn more about Mount Rushmore.

Mount Rushmore

You may also wish to present the Native American monument, also
carved into the Black Hills of South Dakota.

The Crazy Horse Memorial

Who am I?

Materials: Instructional Master CA-1

Prepare copies of the image tags of the fi ve U.S. presidents covered in
this domain. (You may wish to punch two holes at the top and loop yarn
through the image tag so that students can wear their image tag.)

This activity can be done in two ways:

  1. Each student wears an image tag of one of the presidents in front
    of them. Students should act the part of their president and give an
    example or name a fact from that president’s life. Challenge students
    to think of new examples or facts.

  2. Each student wears an image tag on their back so that the student
    does not know which president s/he has. Students walk around
    the classroom, asking classmates for clues about their president.
    Students should guess the president on their image tag.

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