Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide | Introduction 5

this timeline throughout the domain so that students can visualize
how far in the past or how close to the present each presidency was.

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  • Response Cards for Presidents—Response Cards of the presidents
    presented in this domain include George Washington (Instructional
    Master 4A-1); Thomas Jefferson (Instructional Master 5A-1); Abraham
    Lincoln (Instructional Master 6A-1); Theodore Roosevelt (Instructional
    Master 7A-1); and Barack Obama (Instructional Master 8A-1). Use the
    Response Cards to preview, discuss, and review read-aloud content
    about these important presidents.

  • Presidents Idea Web (Instructional Master 2A-1)—Use this graphic
    organizer to list characteristics of presidents. For example, students
    will learn that honesty is a characteristic of several of the U.S.

  • Presidents on U.S. Currency—Make a connection between the
    presidents students will learn about in this domain with their faces
    on U.S. currency. Refer to the Activity Page with Family Letter 1
    (Instructional Master 1B-3) for ideas.

  • Picture Books about Presidents and American Symbols—Choose
    a picture book about each president and American symbol to read
    aloud to the class.

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