Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 1 | The Home of the President: Washington, D.C. 19

Advance Preparation
Obtain the Tell It Again! Flip Books for Kings and Queens and Columbus
and the Pilgrims domains. Identify several Flip Book images that you
would like to show students in order to refresh their memories of these
Locate the American flag in your classroom or bring in an American flag.
Bring in a star sticker to place on a U.S. map to represent your state.
Create a Kings/Queens vs. Presidents Venn diagram, using Instructional
Master 1A-1 as a guide. Label the left side of the diagram Kings/
Queens, the right side Presidents. You may wish to write the labels and
corresponding information for the three sections of the Venn diagram in a
different color.
➶ Above and Beyond: Make a copy of Instructional Master 1A-1 for
students who are ready to complete this diagram on their own.
Note to Teacher
The read-aloud introduces the term “Founding Fathers.” Explain to
students that the Founding Fathers were leaders that helped to start the
United States of America. They lived a long time ago, before the United
States became a nation. The Founding Fathers helped the United States
to become a nation. Two of the five presidents presented in this domain
were Founding Fathers: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
This read-aloud also touches upon the three branches of government.
The goal of including this information is not for students to memorize the
three branches or what each branch does, but to show students that
important work goes on in Washington, D.C., and that not one person or
group has all the power.
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