Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 4B | George Washington: The “Father of Our Country” 73

Extensions 15 minutes

George Washington Timeline (Instructional Master 4B-1)

  • Tell students that they are going to create a timeline about George
    Washington’s life. Explain that a timeline shows a series of important
    events that happen in order. Tell students that this timeline will show
    events in George Washington’s life in order.

  • Point to the timeline you have created. Tell students that this is what
    their timeline will look like.

  • Explain that a timeline is read from left to right. Point out that the
    corresponding notches on the timeline show what happened first,
    next, and last in George Washington’s life.

  • Show Image Cards 6 (Young Washington), 11 (General Washington
    in the American Revolution), and 2 (President George Washington) in
    random order. Tell students that these images represent the events
    that they will place on their timeline.

  • Distribute Instructional Master 4B-1 to each student. Tell students
    to cut out the images on their activity page and place them in the
    correct order on their timeline. Tell students that they should not glue
    them down yet.

  • As a class, sequence Image Cards 2, 6, and 11 so that the events in
    George Washington’s life are in chronological order. Have volunteers
    tape an Image Card over the appropriate notch on the timeline. Walk
    the students through the three events, using the terms first, next, and
    last to reinforce temporal order. You may also wish to talk about the
    period in George Washington’s life that each Image Card represents:
    childhood, general, president.

  • Have students check the order of images on their individual timelines
    before gluing down the images.

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““Father of Our Country”Father of Our Country”^4 B

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