Kindergarden Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

108 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point

activities are held, what special clothes or colors are worn, and what
special foods are eaten during the holiday time.

Hands On: What to Wear
Materials: Various articles of seasonal clothing; models or dolls
Place articles of clothing on a table (hat, gloves, swimsuit, sweater,
T-shirt, earmuffs, etc.). Allow students to pick up the articles and talk
about them. Ask students which articles they would wear in each season.
Have students form four groups. Give each group a doll or other type of
model and have them dress it for each season. Review the vocabulary for
each season as the students change the doll’s clothing.

➶ Above and Beyond: April Showers Bring May Flowers
Materials: Drawing paper, drawing tools
Remind students of the phrase, “April showers bring May flowers.” Ask
students if they remember what this means. Remind them that this saying
can have two meanings. Tell them that this phrase can also mean that after
having many rough or bad days, you will have a good one eventually. Have
students draw a line down the middle of their papers. On one side, have them
draw the literal meaning of the phrase (rain bringing flowers); on the other,
have them draw an example of the other meaning (unhappy times leading to
happier times).

Seasonal Sort
Materials: Image Cards 2–5; magazine pictures; construction paper,
glue or tape
Bring in different pictures from magazines depicting the four seasons of
the year experienced in the United States. Divide students into groups,
and have them sort through their pile of pictures and divide them into
four groups: winter, spring, summer, and autumn. You may wish to use
Image Cards 2–5 to group the students. Ask students to support their
choices with evidence from the read-alouds. Each group can then glue or
tape the pictures onto four different pieces of construction paper.
➶ Above and Beyond: Have students write a word, phrase, or
simple sentence describing the collage, using the sound-spelling
correspondences taught thus far.
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