Kindergarden Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 169


Songs and Chants for Seasons and Weather

Use these songs and chants to the tune of “Oh My Darling Clementine”

Days of the Week

There are seven days, Oh my darling,
There are seven days, Oh my darling,
There are seven days Oh my darling,
in a week: Clementine!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thou art lost and gone forever
Thursday, Friday, Dreadful sorry,
Saturday. Clementine.

Months of the Year

January, Oh my darling,
February, Oh my darling,
March and April, Oh my darling,
May and June, Clementine!
July, August, and September, Thou art lost and gone forever
October, November, Dreadful sorry,
And December. Clementine.

The Cycle of the Seasons

There are four seasons, Oh my darling,
There are four seasons, Oh my darling,
There are four seasons Oh my darling,
in the year. Clementine!
Winter, spring, then summer, autumn. Thou art lost and gone forever
There are four seasons Dreadful sorry,
in the year. Clementine.
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