Kindergarden Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

40 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 2A | Winter

Note: You will teach students the song about the seasons you have
chosen. Teach the song while students are standing in the circle to
help them remember the cycle of the seasons. You may choose to
have students sit down to begin with, and then stand as their season
is named in the song. Use the following song, sung to the tune of “Oh
My Darling, Clementine,” or select another song of your choice.
There are four seasons,
There are four seasons,
There are four seasons in the year.
Winter, spring, then
Summer, autumn.
There are four seasons in the year.

Introducing Winter

  • Show students a large monthly calendar and assist them in identifying
    today’s month and date.

  • Tell students that in today’s read-aloud, their imaginary pen pal,
    Annie, is going to tell them about the first season in the cycle of the

  • Explain that in the United States, the season of winter begins in
    the month of December and includes the months of January and
    February. Display the winter months at the front of the class.

  • Remind students of the current date and ask if they are presently in
    the winter season.
    Note: Do not expect students to identify the current season if it is not

Vocabular y Preview
[Show Image Card 6: Thermometer.]

  1. Today you will learn about a thermometer and what it does.
    [Pass around examples of outdoor thermometers.]
    This is a thermometer.

  2. Say the word thermometer with me three times.

  3. A thermometer is a tool used to measure how hot or cold something is.

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