Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

108 Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

Phonemes—Poems/Songs/Nursery Rhymes (P/S/NR)

Isolate Beginning Sounds

  • Recite or sing any familiar poems, songs, or nursery rhymes making mistakes
    with the beginning sound on key words. For example: “Humpty Sumpty sat on
    a wall.” Ask students to listen for your mixed-up beginning sounds and fix the
    word when they catch a mistake.

  • Recite any of the following poems providing the beginning sound of the names
    of participating students when you get to the point where a student name
    can be inserted. For example: “Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.
    Little /b/ wants to play.” Students identify the student name that begins with
    the provided sound, then repeat the line inserting the name and continue the

    • Rain, Rain, Go Away (P/S/NR Resource 23)

    • Pat-a-Cake (P/S/NR Resource 19 provided in Section 1)

    • Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? (P/S/NR Resource 15 provided
      in Section 1)

  • Recite either of the following poems changing the alliteration for Wee Willie
    Winkie or Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater to an alternate beginning sound. For
    example: “Fee Fillie Finkie runs through the town.” Ask students to listen for
    your mixed-up beginning sound and provide the mixed-up sound they heard
    you use (e.g., /f/) each time.

    • Wee Willie Winkie (P/S/NR Resource 24)

    • Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater (P/S/NR Resource 25)

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