Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 11

Guide Organization
Instruction from the Kindergarten Assessment and Remediation Guide will be
most effective when used in either one-on-one or small group settings. Learning
is optimized when instruction is facilitated by a teacher with expertise related
to literacy instruction. Small teacher to student ratios maximize individual
learning, particularly through increased opportunity for immediate (reinforcing or
corrective) feedback for each student.
A description of the Basic and Advanced Code taught to student using CKLA
materials starting in Kindergarten immediately follows this overview. This
description will provide insight and context for how phonics skills are introduced
in Kindergarten and taught throughout Grade 1 and Grade 2.
The materials throughout the units are organized into sections by component
area [e.g., Phonological Awareness (for both Syllables and Phonemes) and
Writing Readiness] and aligned with the objectives from the CKLA Skills strand
units. Within the sections you will find:

  • Determining Student Need Chart: A chart is supplied for your reference to
    determine student need for instruction from any given unit and section of the
    Assessment and Remediation Guide.

  • Lesson Template & Sample: The Lesson Templates within each section
    provide a detailed model of the sequence of instructional steps to be followed
    when reteaching the particular skill(s) targeted in that section. The Lesson
    Templates are followed by a Sample Remedial Lesson illustrating how specific
    skill work, activities, and progress monitoring can be applied to the template.
    These Lesson Templates and Sample Lessons align with the Explicit Reteaching
    Lesson Structure described at the beginning of each unit. Guidance for how
    to adapt the Lesson Templates and Sample Lessons from each section for the
    Guided Reinforcement or Comprehensive Reteaching Lesson Structure is found
    at the beginning of each unit.

  • Lesson Reference Charts: When applicable, reference charts are provided
    to help you adjust the difficulty of your lessons, ensuring students are
    appropriately scaffolded or challenged.

  • Dimensions of Difficulty: This chart is provided for your use to accelerate or
    reduce the task difficulty for students.

  • Cross-Reference Charts: The objectives for each section are cross
    referenced to the lessons and Pausing Points from the CKLA Skills Strand units.
    The alignment of objectives and activities can be seen at a glance, facilitating
    coordinated and targeted use of both the Skills strand units and the Assessment
    and Remediation Guide.

  • Word Lists: Collections of words, phrases, or sentences needed for activities
    are provided. These lists are not intended to be exhaustive or restrictive. This
    resource is included to facilitate lesson preparation; however, teachers are
    welcome to use the lists as models for adding words, phrases, or sentences of
    their own.

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