Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 129

Recognize and Trace Own Name (A–D)

  • Use the Own Name pages to help students recognize the letters that make a
    picture of their own name. Write the student's name (uppercase for the first
    letter and lowercase for the rest) in the large name box to demonstrate the
    writing and provide a reference for the student. These pages can be used:

    • to practice recognizing student's own name

    • as a reference for student's own name

    • in a plastic sleeve to allow for tracing practice of student's own name using
      a dry erase marker
      Worksheet A

  • Paste a photo of the student in the frame or allow the student to draw a self-
    Worksheet B & C

  • Fill in the blanks with a mix of the name of the student and other classmates'
    names. Point out the name of the student at the top and ask students to draw a
    circle around the items marked with his/her name.
    Worksheet D

  • Point out the name of the student at the top. Highlight the first letter and point
    out that this is the student’s initial. Ask the student to find the letters on the
    page matching the initial and circle them. (There are two for each letter.)

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