Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 71

(Blending with
Arm Motions) Teaching Materials


Objective: State the purpose for listening and model the desired
Learning about Phonemes: Use samples from a collection of animal words
that will reoccur throughout the activities: dog, sheep, and bee. (The
animal words are selected from the Animal Cards provided in Unit 1 of the
Assessment and Remediation Guide, which can be used to provide visual
Tell students you will say words broken into sounds and the purpose for
listening is to blend those sounds together to make a word.
Let students know you will focus on using the arm blending motion today.
Ask students to tell you how many sounds the arm blending motion is used
Once the correct answer is given (three), then caution students that one or
two words will only have two sounds and you want them to “catch” those
First model the segmented word dog, saying /d/ /o/ /g/, touching your
shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Follow with the sliding motion from shoulder to
wrist as you say the blended word dog.
Invite students to repeat it with you.
Next demonstrate the segmented word sheep, just as you did with dog.
Then demonstrate the segmented word bee, saying /b/ /ee/, respectively
touching your shoulder and elbow. Follow with the sliding motion from
shoulder to wrist as you say the blended word bee.
If students don’t catch your error, point out that you only had two sounds in
that word and only touched your shoulder and elbow.
Celebrate “catching” the first two-phoneme word!

Animal Word
List (Optional:
Animal Cards
provided in
Assessment and
Unit 1)
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