Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

6 Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

Lesson Structures for Levels of Instructional Need
The Kindergarten Assessment and Remediation Guide will serve students who:

  • may enter Kindergarten with known literacy skill educational needs requiring
    instruction beyond the Skills strand Teacher Guide lessons.

  • may have significant instructional needs identified by the student performance
    assessments throughout the Kindergarten units.

  • may complete some Kindergarten units yet demonstrate a lack of preparedness
    for subsequent units.

  • Depending on the severity of student instructional need, instructional personnel
    available, and student grouping options, materials from the Kindergarten
    Assessment and Remediation Guide may be used for:

    • guided reinforcement.

    • explicit reteaching.

    • comprehensive reteaching.
      The Lesson Templates within each section provide a detailed model of the
      sequence of instructional steps to be followed when reteaching the particular
      skill(s) targeted in that section. The Lesson Templates are followed by a Sample
      Remedial Lesson illustrating how specific skill work, activities, and progress
      monitoring can be applied to the template. The following Lesson Structures
      illustrate how the Lesson Templates and Sample Remedial Lessons from each
      section align to the Explicit Reteaching structure and provide guidance for how
      to make more abbreviated (Guided Reinforcement Structure) or more complete
      (Comprehensive Reteaching Structure) use of the Lesson Templates and
      Sample Remedial Lessons from each section.

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