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mainemaritime.edu 35


During their 50th reunion at MMA,

the Class of 1966 celebrated as

their class gift was unveiled. The

sculpture by Forest Hart, The Mid-

shipman Looking Out To Sea, stands

by the deck of the Alfond Student



Ed O’Brien and Bill Rapp, Class

of 1968, attended the 75th MMA

Anniversary Celebration!


William Hutchinson ’70 (center,

couch with his family) says hello to

classmates and alumni.


Barry Joy ’75 (left) from Jack-
sonville, Florida recently visited
his hometown of Jonesport, Maine
during his annual autumn sojourn
to track the elusive deer. Joy bagged
his deer the second day, which
gave him plenty of time to catch
up with family and friends. Here
he’s pictured with his cousin (and
MMA Alumni Director) Jeff Wright
while visiting his aunt and uncle in


Capt. S. Greg Krawczyk, USN
(Ret) ’80 was recently elected
President of the Chesapeake Chap-
ter, U.S. Lighthouse Society. The
group maintains the Thomas Point
Shoal lighthouse just offshore of
Annapolis and hosts the Maryland
Lighthouse Challenge in September
of every odd year.
Krawczyk has started a cam-
paign to encourage the U.S. Postal
Service to issue a set of postage
stamps featuring Chesapeake Bay
Lighthouses. Visit the website at


Thomas W. McCarthy ’81, who
retired from sailing with Shell
as a senior engineer on Q-Max
LNG tankers, is currently working
for Crowley Maritime as a port

engineer in the petroleum services
tanker division. He recently cele-
brated his 25th wedding anniver-
s ar y.


From the 2016 Homecoming
alumni dinner with Class of 1982
members in attendance. (Left to
right) Chris Tippin, Capt. Jeff
Stenberg, Joe Cote, Dr. Marc
Gousse and Admiral Tom (TK)
Shannon, USN.

Capt. John Gazzola ’82 has been
chosen as Vice President, Commer-
cial Accounts Hudson Analytix in
Camden, New Jersey. The company
is an international marine consul-
tancy guiding the world’s leading

Dr. Marc
Gousse ’82
has recently
accepted the
position of
tendent of
Schools for
the Mount
Desert Is-
land Regional School System based
in Bar Harbor, Maine.
Gousse previously served as
Superintendent in Westbrook,
Maine since 2011 and was West-
brook High School Principal from
2001-2011. He’s active with the
MMA alumni association, presently
serving on the Board of Directors


Douglas Harrington ’87 has
been selected as Deputy Director,
Office of Ship Operations, Strategic
Sealift, MARAD. Harrington has an

extensive sailing career as a licensed
officer in the merchant marine that
includes serving on several different
strategic sealift vessels under con-
tract to MSC. He holds a Master’s
license and served as Master on
several ships including the LMSR
USNS Mendonca (T-AKR-303)
during Operation Enduring Free-
dom. In addition, Harrington has
held several positions of increased
responsibility as a Naval Reserve
Officer including duty as Civil Af-
fairs Officer with the Multi-Nation-
al Force-Iraq (MNF-I) in Baghad.

Eric F.
Smith ’88
is planning
to swim
across Tam-
pa Bay to
raise money
for the
Navy Seal
with an
goal to raise $50,000.
After completing the 140.6-
mile Texas Ironman (triathlon)
race in 2015 he set his sights on
helping others and raising money
for worthy causes. The Tampa Bay
Frogman Swim was a perfect fit. It’s
in his home town, all money raised
goes to the families of fallen Navy
Seals, and it is physically challeng-
Last year Smith raised $45,000,
but hopes to surpass this figure for
this year’s race on January 15.
Please consider a donation to the
Navy Seal Foundation via: imath-
“Any amount is deeply appreci-
ated,” says Smith, “and if everyone
I have reached out to via Facebook,
LinkedIn and alumni make only a
$10 contribution, we will surpass
the $50k in a matter of days.”
Smith and his wife Pam have
four daughters. He works for Over-
seas Shipholding Group as Vice
President and Chief Commercial

Class Notes

Smith swims for a cause
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