Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
Recovery and Healing

llhile characters can be afflicted with various ail-
wments and types of damage, there are thankfully
several options for recovery. Recovery can vary in
time and effectiveness, based on the resources and
expertise available to the characters. With the proper
resources and sufficient time, characters can recover
from virtually any encounter.



There are several ways that characters can recover from
wounds. Some allow for natural, if slow, healing and oth-
ers require access to high-tech medical facilities.


For each full night's rest, the character recovers
one wound, regardless of the character's cur-
rent state of health. At the end of each full
week of rest, the character may attempt
a Resilience check to recover from one
Critical Injury. The difficulty is equal to
the Critical Injury's severity rating. On a
successful check, the character recov-
ers from the Critical Injury and is no
longer affected. On a failed check, the
character retains the Critical Injury ef-
fect, but still recovers one wound. A (J)
result means the character can hea
one additional Critical Injury.

Droids benefit from natural rest like any
other character, as their subroutines and
automated systems attempt self-repairs.

A character may also attempt to help someone re-
cover from a Critical Injury by making a Medicine check
with a difficulty equal to the severity rating of the Critical
Injury (see Table 6-11 on page 220). A character may
attempt one Medicine check per week per Critical Injury.
A character may attempt to heal his own normal
wounds or recover from his own Critical Injuries with
Medicine, but increases the difficulty of the Medi-
cine check by two. In addition, attempting a Medi-
cine check without the proper equipment (see
page 176) increases the difficulty of the
check by one.


A character may attempt a Medicine
check to help a character heal wounds.
Each character may only receive one
Medicine check each encounter, as
there is only so much good first aid
can do to help a character.

The difficulty of the check is based
on the target's current state of
health. On a successful check, the
target recovers a number of wounds
equal to the number of successes
generated by the Medicine roll, and
an amount of strain equal to the
number of O generated.
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