Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1
Starship and Vehicle Modifications

Por those special individuals who make their living in
Tthe spacelanes, a starship is as much their home as
it is a simple means of transport or a company asset.
As they live aboard it and get to know a ship's vari-
ous attributes, both positive and negative, it is not un-
common for the crew to make various modifications
to the ship to better tailor it to their needs. By tinker-
ing with existing systems, or through the purchase of
new parts and modification packages, a skilled and
dedicated crew can improve a ship's general comfort
and performance beyond what her designers initially
imagined. More powerful sublight engines, faster hy-
perdrives, better sensors, and other, more esoteric
modifications are commonplace among the profes-
sional spacefarers, hot-rodders, and inveterate tinker-
ers that operate in the Outer Rim.


The following are a small selection of common attach-
ments seen on customized ships in the Outer Rim
Territories. They run the gamut from docking clamps
and larger engines to hidden compartments and more
powerful armor. This is not intended to be a compre-
hensive list, as such a list is well outside the scope of
this publication, but it is meant to be representative
of what can be done to customize a spacecraft. Game
Masters are encouraged to design their own attach-
ments to fit their players' tastes and the needs of their
campaigns, and more options for attachments will ap-
pear in future supplements.



ike personal equipment, starships and ve-
hicles can benefit greatly by being modded.
Starships and vehicles follow the rules for at-
tachments and mods as discussed in Chapter
V: Gear and Equipment. The only difference
is that installing each mod costs ten times as
much on a starship or vehicle (due to their
greater size and complexity).


The Sureshot Advanced Targeting Array by Taim &
Bak is a good example of a targeting computer, us-
ing sophisticated holo-imaging to present a pilot or
gunner a detailed, three-dimensional view of his tar-
get. Installation of the ATA increases the accuracy of a
ship's weapons, and allows gunners to get more shots
on target, increasing their effectiveness in combat.
This may be applied to all starships and vehicles.

Models Include: Taim & Bak LR-375a "Sureshot"
Advanced Targeting Array, Fabritech KR-770 "Sharp-
shooter" Targeting Computer, Koensayr Manufactur-
ing 840.z Holo-Targeting Suite, Fabritech ANx 42.a
"Snapshot" Targeting Computer.
Base Modifiers: Upgrades the Ability of Gunnery
checks when firing the ship's weapons by one.
Modification Options: 1 Additional upgrade Mod, 1
Innate Talent (Sniper Shot) Mod, 1 Innate Talent (True
Aim) Mod.
Hard Points Required: 1
Price: 4,000 credits.


Produced by numerous starship manufacturers, these
armor plates are made from a complex lattice of carbon
nanotubes embedded with spun threads of durasteel.
Molecularly bonded to a ship's hull, they provide extra
armor protection at the cost of a ship's maneuverabil-
ity. This may be applied to all starships and vehicles.
Models Include: Ferro-Magnesium Armor Plate, Cer-
ro-Ablative Sheets.
Base Modifiers: Adds one point to starship armor,
and reduces starship handling by one.
Modification Options: None.
Hard Points Required: 2
Price: 2,000 credits times the silhouette.


Designed to blind and deafen enemy ships, electronic
countermeasures suites such as Fabritech 995 ECM sys-
tem transmits a dense stream of white noise and junk
data that fogs sensors and jams comms traffic within
close range of the broadcasting ship. While this makes
the broadcasting ship hard to see or hit, the energy re-
quired to run the ECM suite tends to put undue strain
on the ship's electrical systems. Other systems have
focused modes that can target specific ships at longer
ranges. This may be applied to all starships and vehicles.
Models Include: Fabritech 995 "Stormcloud" Elec-
tronic Countermeasures Suite, Miradyne 4x_Phantom
Short-Range Sensor Jammer (starfighters only), KDY
220-SIG Tactical Combat Jammer (capital ships only).
Base Modifiers: Blocks sensors within range, count-
ing the ship or vehicle's silhouette as one step smaller
when being fired at. Immediately notifies all ships in a
star system or within 100 kilometers if planetside to
the ship or vehicle's existence.
Modification Options: 1 Increase difficulty by 1
when making subsequent attacks due to the Guided
quality Mod.

Hard Points Required: 1.
Price: 3,000 credits.

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