Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

hat do the following dice pool results
have in common?

Pool 1 Pool 3

Each of these dice pools indicates a success-
ful check. At least one uncanceled Success sym-
bol appears in each pool. Assume that this pool
represents a smuggler attacking a stormtrooper.
Below are interpretations of these results.

Dice Pool 1 -Success with a Slight Advan-
tage: The ft appearing on the{>are cancelled
by the T showing on one 0 and one O One
of the O O on the next <^> is cancelled by
the single <§) showing on the second 0>. One
O remains showing on the (), and ft appears
on the #. The smuggler's superior shooting
skill has bested the stormtrooper's armor and
training, leaving the smuggler in a slightly ad-
vantageous position.

"Your quick shot strikes the stormtrooper, leav-
ing a smoking hole in his armor. You think you'll
have no trouble sliding behind cover as he reels
from the hit."

Dice Pool 2—Successful but Vulnerable:
The O on the 0 is cancelled by the <§) showing
on one 0 and the ft on one # is cancelled by
the T on the other {>. The remaining # shows
one ft, but the two • each have uncanceled ®.
The smuggler's shot grazes the stormtrooper,
who remains well protected by his defenses and
ready to retaliate.

"Your shot penetrates the foliage concealing
the stormtrooper, but only grazes him. He re-
mains difficult for you to see and hit, and you
aren't sure where his next shot will come from."

Dice Pool 3 -1 Have You Now: The ft and O
of the • are cancelled by the T on one 0 and the
<§) on the Q The two O of the first () are can-
celed by the two <§) of the other (). The remaining
0 die shows ft and O. and the # shows a ($)! The
smuggler beats relentlessly on the cornered storm-
trooper, striking a staggering blow despite the stor-
mtrooper's armor.
"You trap-the stormtrooper between the speeder
and the wall, inhibiting his movement and catching
him below the chin. The solid hit knocks his helmet
off. leaving him alive but completely stunned.

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