Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1




dventures are the core of each game session.
Creating new adventures can be one of the
most exciting and enjoyable aspects of becoming
a Came Master. Creating an interesting story that
is also fun and mechanically balanced is challeng-
ing. This section will help the GM create his own
adventures, specifically ones that are thematically
appropriate for EDGE OF THE EMPIRE.




EDGE OF THE EMPIRE is a publication focused on the
tougher and grittier aspects of living and work-
ing in the fringes of the galaxy. The time frame
follows the initial successes of the Rebel Alliance
against the Empire in Star Wars: Episode IV A
New Hope, but before the battles at Hoth and En-
dor. Smugglers, bounty hunters, scouts, and oth-
ers that work at the edges of civilized space and/
or the edges of legality are the central theme of
these adventures. Stories featuring the struggle
between the Rebel Alliance and the Empire, or
the Jedi, will be addressed in detail in upcoming


Using published adventures gives the GM a prime
example of how an EDGE OF THE EMPIRE style ad-
venture works. It also allows players from differ-
ent gaming groups to have shared experiences,
allowing them to compare how an adventure de-
veloped and differences in their final outcomes.
However, while published adventures are useful,
the GM will likely find he needs to create his own
adventures to extend the story or bridge gaps be-
tween official adventures.


Every episode, adventure, and story needs a cast
of memorable characters. Sometimes, the major
characters are outlined first, with the story devel-
oping around their goals and actions. Sometimes
the plot comes first, generating characters to fulfill
certain roles or cover aspects of the story. Usually,
the characters and plot are developed together
and complement each other.


The following are a number of brief suggestions for
I adventure hooks to get a CM started in their game.
Fhe CM may expand on these sample EDGE OF THE
EMPIRE adventure ideas:

  • The Player Characters use smuggling,
    bounty hunting, and mercenary missions
    to pay off a large debt to a crime lord.

  • The Player Characters run contraband
    into an Imperial system, city, or starport.

  • The Player Characters smuggle ryll spice
    from Ryloth (the Twi'lek homeworld) to
    Tatooine or a central Imperial world.

  • The Player Characters must protect a re-
    mote outpost from pirates and raiders.

  • The Player Characters are mistaken for

Rebel sympathizers by Imperial agents
or local law enforcement, and must deal
with the consequences.

  • The Player Characters are scouts, hired
    by some entity to explore specific star
    systems, Wild Space, or the Unknown
    Regions. They might run across a hidden
    Imperial base, a criminal hideout, a new
    species, or a starship crash site.

  • The Player Characters become caught
    up in an Imperial attack or reprisals on
    a world of questionable loyalties, The
    Player Characters must escape, help oth-
    ers escape, or take a side in the conflict.

  • The Player Characters' ship is attacked by
    pirates while en route to a remote locale.

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